tisdag 31 augusti 2010


Så har jag fått slutdatum, jag kommer att ta flyget till Arlanda 16/11 och sedan åka vidare till Dalarna och Leksand

söndag 29 augusti 2010

Lite Vingreklam

Nu finns det en blogg uppe som min kära kollegor Anette, My och Emelie håller i. Tillsammans med Silles Spiesblogg är dessa ett väldigt bra sätt att få inblick i hur det är att vara guide i Egypten. Vill gärna påpeka att det är jag som tagit bilden allra längst ner där mina kollegor håller vars en Vingskylt.

torsdag 19 augusti 2010

Nu börjar bensinen bli dyr i Hurghada 1.85 EGP/liter tungt värre.

Idag hade vi teamdag, detta innebar att vi åkte ut i öknen då vi körde quads, spidercar, åkte jeepsafari och såg på show med magdans och eldslukare.
Nu blir det en miniutgång i afton.

torsdag 12 augusti 2010

Skämt om upper egyptians

I Egypten är det så att alla skämtar om de som är från upper egypt, alltså de som kommer från södern, finns mängder av dessa skämt men tänkte bara ta ett som jag fann på nätet hihi.

A guy from upper Egypt(always the uneducated stereotyped scape goat in such jokes in Egypt) is visiting his brother in Cairo. He has been hearing people in his village talk about a new device called a DVD player. He decides to visit the electronics shop closest to his brother's house and see just how much such a device would cost. So he puts on his best jilbab and heads to the electronics store.

He enters and as he starts to look around the shop owner comes to him and says, "Sorry sir, but I don't sell to guys from upper Egypt."

The man leaves. Of course he is discouraged and after talking to his brother at dinner he decides to go back the next day. So in the morning he puts on his brothers suit, combs his hair and goes back to the same shop.

He enters and looks around, he decides they must not recognise him this time and says with confidence to the first salesman he sees, "How much is this DVD device?" The owner appears again only to tell him, "Sorry sir, but I don't sell to guys from upper Egypt."

Now this man is really mad. He will get that DVD player and that guy will eat his words. So, he goes to the salon and gets his hair styled in the latest fashion. Then he buys a new outfit from a shop at the mall. Finally, he goes to the optometrist and gets himself some blue contact lenses. Then he sits with a friendly lady at a coffee shop who tells him that he should say DVD player, not device. He is ready.

As the shop is abut to close he hurries in and acts as if he is looking around for the first time. When he comes to the thing he wants he points to it and asks the owner, "How much for this DVD player?" The owner says to him, "Sorry sir, but I don't sell to guys from upper Egypt."

Now, the guy is steamed. He has to ask now... "I did all these things to look sophisticated, and to say the right things... How did you still know I am from upper Egypt?"

The owner looks at him, exasperated. "Sir, the device you have been looking at isn't a DVD player at all. It's a microwave."

onsdag 4 augusti 2010

A Recipe for Egyptian Bread

Detta bröd skall bakas när jag tids nog återkommer till Sverige. Ovärderligt!

Make the dough and bake the bread in one to two hours.


1) 1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour.
2) 7 oz. water.
3) 1/2 tsp. salt.
4) 1/4 oz. Dry Yeast.

Bake Like an Egyptian

1) Put flour and salt in an oversized bowl.
2) Mix Dry Yeast with the water.
3) Slowly add water.
4) Take turns kneading the dough.
5) Spread flour on a clean, flat surface.
6) Roll dough into small balls.
7) Form balls into flat round shapes or triangles.
8) Cover with a cloth for one to two hours only.

In one to two hours:
Bake bread on a greased sheet for 30 minutes at 350 Degree heat.

Good Luck.